Oleksandr Bozhyk managed turning his playing on classic instrument into real show.
He moved beyond the scope of the professional musician. The word “virtuoso” fully characterizes him.
During his show he involves the audience, plays the violin in various positions, and then on several violins simultaneously – we cannot stop admiring his performance!
Aleksander Bozhyk to talent samorodny, który zdarza się niezwykle rzadko w historii muzyki. Oprócz fenomenalnych umiejętności technicznych, graniczących wręcz z inspiracjami diabelskimi, zachowuje wyrafinowany gust w tworzeniu nowego brzmienia Zespołu. Na nowo otwiera świat muzyki, niby znanej ale brzmiącej bardzo indywidualnie.
Aleks. Bozhyk jest niewątpliwie propagatorem muzyki klasycznej wśród młodego pokolenia. Udowadnia, ze może ona być atrakcyjna dla człowieka w każdym wieku.
Jestem pewien, ze każdy koncert Aleksandra Bozhyka niesie piękne przesłanie jego widzom i słuchaczom, którzy stają się szczęśliwsi, lepsi i mądrzejsi.
The energy on the concert of Oleksandr Bozhyk was incredible. It was a splash of emotion in our stormy life.
I had unforgettable impressions after the concert, which are difficult to put in words.
Such moments impress and stay in memory for a long time. It is those performances that help to feel the fullness of life and the uniqueness of each its moment.
People present in the hall, inspired by an unusual concert, have been sharing impressions behind the scenes for a long time. Most of them have realized that unique things and brilliant people are not somewhere far beyond the ocean, but here, near, close to us.